okie 811 logo

OKIE811 is a safety and damage prevention program designed to promote public awareness, provide a communication link between excavators and operators of underground facilities, and to eliminate potential hazards posed to excavators, the general public, vital underground facilities and the environment whenever excavation is done.

This is a FREE SERVICE. There is NO CHARGE to the excavator or homeowner.

OKIE811 has over 1,200 member companies that operate underground facilities across Oklahoma. When OKIE811 receives a locate request, we transmit a ticket to each underground facility operator that has services in the area. OKIE811 DOES NOT mark the lines; the facility operator sends a locator to the excavation site to mark the approximate location of their underground facilities in the area.

OKIE811 also provides safety and damage prevention services designed to promote public awareness about the importance of protecting our underground facilities. There are six damage prevention councils across each of the states tourism areas in addition to statewide Public Damage Prevention Regional Partner Councils. All play a valuable role in promoting safety.


or visit their website at www.okie811.org