Your Meter

An upgraded meter system has made an appearance to SEC Members. It is called a TWACS (Two-Way Automatic Communication System) meter. A step up from the current "Turtle" system which allowed for one-way communication, a TWACS meter allows for two-way communication between the connected home and the co-op. This new "Smart Meter" technology provides for a quicker response time when problems arise.

Increased efficiency, accuracy, and reduced costs are just a few of the benefits associated with this new generation of meters. TWACS will allow for efficient use of man-power and resources which will save time and money. Directing and verifying outages, monitoring voltage and blinking, mapping outages, remotely connecting and disconnecting a meter, and the ability to detect meter tampering are made possible with the technology of two-way communication.

For more information:

Kelby Johnson (580) 924-2170 or Meter Technician (866) 924-1315